We need to hear from you...
Have an idea on how our great community can be improved? Well we want to hear it!! We want to hear from everyone who is willing to share their thoughts so please take a minute and let us know what you would like to see included in the upcoming projects within Royalwood.
Some ideas that have come forward so far:
Acts of reconciliatoin and community outreach through Marlene Street Community Resoruce Centre
Basketball court
Ban mountain biking outside designated forest trails
Bois des Esprit Forest preservation (more tree plantings, less benches, less tree carvings)
Bois des Esprit forest paths improved for year round use
Canada Day community event
Clean-up team
Clean-up events
Community BBQ
Community gardens
Community yard sale
Composting area
Convex mirros at intersections
Covered picnic area
Crime reduction options
Dirt bike/ATV track
Fitness park
Fitness stations along trail
Flower pots at Abinoji Mikanah entrance
Fountainview Park repairs
Fountainview Park water cleaning
Graffiti removal
Indigenous interpretive centre
Local access only signs on both entrances
Loitering deterrants behind entrance signs
Neighborhood watch
Nextdoor app usage
Off leash dog park
Median tree planting (for those removed due to disease)
Park post repairs or replacement
Pickleball court
Playground upgrades
Public art installations
Reduce traffic within neighbourhood to keep it quiet
Security patrol
Skateboard park
Skating rink
Skating rink benches
Skating rink fire pit
Skating rink wind break
Slow down signs on Shorehill
Speed bumps to calm traffic
Speed reduction
Splashpad installation
Summer music popups in the green spaces
Traffic calming (not just speedbumps but curb bump outs, narrowing of roads, elevated pedestrian crossings)
Transit improvements
Transit stop curb repairs
Tennis court
Tree and lilac bush upgrades
Tree planting
We will be holding our first Annal General Meeting and we hope everyone from the neighbourhood can take some time to attend!
We will be reviewing the activites since the association was formed last year and the plans for the future. We shall also be holding an election for board members for the upcoming year. If you are interested in running for a board position or would like to nominate someone, please email info@RoyalwoodNA.org.
Everyone is invited to attend. You must be a member in good standing to vote.
The RNA was created to represent all members of the neighbourhood so we would love your participation and input!
Caring community members, making a difference, together...
Please consider joining in with your neighbours to tidy up the community on Saturday, May 4, 10am - 2pm.
This is a great opportunity to enjoy the nice weather, get some exercise, meet up with your neighbours, and help spruce up out neighbourhood. Our past cleanup events have been well attended and the kids especially seem to enjoy them (great way to help build community spirit within our younger neighbours!).
Take Pride Winnipeg is helping out by making litter sticks and bags available for those who would like some supplies.
Please register for the event so we can provide you with the equipment pick up location and have an idea of how many people to expect.
We hope to see you all out there!!
Get your sale on!!!
Whether you are selling or buying, you are sure to have a blast at the Rpyalwood Community Sale on Saturday, June 1 and Sunday June 2.
The Royalwood Community Sale has always been a popular event, rain or shine and this year is sure to continue the tradition.
If you have a few items and are not sure if you want to have a sale, please consider joining forces with your neighbours. The more people who paricipate, the more fun we will all have together!
We will have signage, newpaper articles, social media posts, and possibly some radio coverage to advertise the event. So start getting your tables ready and practice your haggling skills!!
Your voice matters...
Our first membership vote is upon us!
We need to decide whether we want to apply for a MB Government Green Team Grant. This would provide full funding for employees to perform general upkeep of the community May - Sep.
We also need to decide which weekend to hold our community garage sale (or if we even wish to have a community garage sale endorsed by the RNA).
The vote is open to all RNA members who have paid their annual dues.
The vote will be open until noon, Thu, Feb 8, 2024.
Thank you to everyone who so generously supported the
FILL THE BOX WITH SOCKS event on Nov 18.
Over 500 pairs of socks were collected for our fellow Winnipeggers!!
Well done everyone!!